Announcing Our Stakeholder Steering Group for TFV 1.0

To ensure the TFV 2.0 Project remains accountable to the values and philosophy embedded in TFV 1.0, Red Hat Impact has established a Stakeholder Steering Group. The primary purpose of this Group is to ensure the DNA and design principles of TFV 1.0 are not lost in the research, design and build process for the new TFV 2.0 entity. They will keep us accountable and provide critical, thoughtful inputs throughout the process. 

The members of the Stakeholder Steering Group are:

  • Anne-Shirley Korave from Queen Pads in PNG
  • Mary Elizabeth Ramosaea from Kaleko Steifree Solomons 
  • Joy Anderson from Criterion Institute
  • Chelsea Hugget from WaterAid Australia
  • Wendy Anderson from The Case For Her